My name is Wendy Logan
I am certified Usui Reiki Master and Intuitive & Archangelic Energy Channel. I am Clairsentient and work with my Guides in each client session and for personal growth and healing. I speak Light Language and facilitate Higher Consciousness blessings and healings through encoded Light for my clients.
Over the past thirty years I have been helping friends, family and clients to heal and restore their health and improve their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being with both Reiki & Angelic energy healing, getting to the root cause of the depression,anxiety, grief, chronic pain, trauma, as well as the life blocks keeping us stuck and the clarity to release and move past them.
I am a Soul traveler on this journey of life along side all of you, awakening to our true selves, our Soul's path and healing together along the way. I honor the light within each of you!
My Story
Getting to Know Me
Wendy is an Energy Healing Practitioner, and has been practicing professionally as a Reiki Master since 2005.
She has been blessed with many insights and events in her life that started her on the spiritual path of self-discovery and healing as a young teenager. It was not until the birth of her twins and daughter in 1990 that she realized her ability to channel healing energies. Naturally as a Mother she often soothed her children’s physical, mental and emotional upsets. It was then she began to feel the energy flowing from her hands that healed their aches, wounds, and emotions. She was aware that a Higher Consciousness was facilitating the healing and that she was only the conduit. She then began her journey of self-education, learning all that she could about Energy healing, not only to help her family and self, but others. In 2005 she became a Certified Reiki Master.
During this time of self-discovery she began channeling her higher self and higher Consciousness which includes automatic writing and receiving messages from higher Realms & Arch Angels for Guidance and self-healing. During the Reiki sessions Higher Guidance, both hers and the recipient began to come through for her clients. The Guidance comes if and when the time is appropriate for their highest good and present moment of learning. One of her greatest purposes in this lifetime is to help others in the process of their healing and their ascension.
She has raised two families in Pacific Grove. She moved to Pacific Grove in 1972 with her 2 year old son, then in 1985 relocated to Costa Mesa, Ca. She remarried and started a second family with twin boys and a daughter in 1988. In 1995 she relocated back to the Monterey Peninsula to raise her second family and has called Pacific Grove home ever since.
Wendy worked for thirty-five years in the Information Technology Field with the last twenty years working as a System Analyst in the Health Care Field. In addition she is an Entrepreneur & Web Developer.
Her hobbies include gardening, reading, traveling and spending as much time as she can with her two Grandsons.
Wendy is currently devoting her time to her Reiki practice locally in Pacific Grove, Ca.
If you would like to know more about the healing techniques she uses please schedule a complimentary 20 minute personal consultation with Wendy.